Most viewed - West Coast Plane Spotting

F-16D-52-CF RSAF82 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

86-0410 from Pope-Brag C-130H departing DM81 viewsDavis-Mothan AFB

2 ship heading out81 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

Four ship overhead81 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

Caught some Canadian Alpha Jets out at Miramar, Cheetah Flight 7181 viewsMCAS Miramar 11-2-16

64th Aggressor Squadron81 viewsNellis AFB, NV 4-29-15

80 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

practiced flame out landing80 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

309th FS jet79 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

pair of A-10's heading out to the range78 viewsDavis-Mothan AFB

78 viewsDavis-Mothan AFB

1 on the break78 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

2 ship landing78 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

V-22 Osprey off78 viewsMCAS Miramar 11-2-16

162nd WG77 viewsTucson Int Airport

77 viewsLuke AFB, 11-1-16

F-18 launching out to the MOA 77 viewsMCAS Miramar 11-2-16

2 hornets off to the range77 viewsMCAS Miramar 11-2-16

USCG MH-60T out of San Diego yellow Centennial77 views11-3-16

CF-18 sporting the 75th Anniversary paint job76 viewsMCAS Miramar 11-2-16