
Artist Point shot from Artist Point Trail1 viewsArtist Point 3 shot pano
Yellowstone NP, WY

Yellowstone River 1 viewsYellowstone River from Tower Falls Trail overlook
Yellowstone NP, WY

Male Bison1 viewsHuge Male Bison coming down and across the road
Lamar Valley, Yellowstone NP, WY

Hayden Valley1 viewsIn certain areas, you'll just come around a corner and see 100's of Bison in the fields. They're very protective of their young usually making sure they're between both parents.

Male & Female Bison1 viewsMale on the left, Female on the right. Notice the male's horns have a quicker upturn which more devil like. Plus they have the larger shoulder muscles to fight off challenging males.
Lamar Valley, Yellowstone NP, WY

Black Pool Geyser1 viewsStopped in here on our way out the southern entrance of Yellowstone on our way to The Grand Tentons.
Thumb Geyser National Park

Leaving Yellowstone1 viewsSouthern Entrance into Yellowstone NP

Elk Ranch Flats Turnout1 viewsSome horses we found in a huge pen just eating
Elk Ranch Flats Turnout
Moran, WY

Elk Ranch Flats Turnout1 viewsSome horses we found in a huge pen just eating
Elk Ranch Flats Turnout
Moran, WY

Pronghorn1 viewsOnly Pronghorn we saw that was close enough to the road to snap a shot.
Elk Ranch Flats Turnout

Ansel Adams Location1 viewsAnsel Adams was hired by the Dept of Interior to take pictures to help promote the National Parks in 1941.
Snake River Overlook
Moose, WY

John Moulton Homestead1 viewsStrong thunderstorm working its way over the Grand Tetons.

Mormon Row1 viewsSmall Barn that's part of John Moulton Homestead

Just a few hundred feet down from Morman Row1 viewsGross Ventre Rd,
Moose, WY

Bison passing through1 viewsA better look at the difference in the Male (Left) and Female (Right)s horns and how the Males point in, while the females point up.
Gross Ventre Rd,
Moose, WY

When you can't reach the itch, anything will do.1 viewsGross Ventre Rd,
Moose, WY

Mule Deer1 viewsMule Deer
Moose Wilson Rd, WY

Bison Crossing1 viewsThe calf wanted to get a closer look, but Dad wasn't having it.
Shadow Mountain Road
Moose, WY

Bison Crossing1 viewsGave them a wide birth as they crossed the road. They made sure to keep the young in between the 2 parents.
Shadow Mountain Road
Moose, WY

Found a heard of Bison with some young calves1 viewsGave them a wide birth as they crossed the road. They made sure to keep the young in between the 2 parents.
Shadow Mountain Road
Moose, WY
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